Monday, January 8, 2007

Tashi's Terrific Times

I wonder what it would be like to live all alone in a foreign country without knowing the language, or anyone who lived there. Terrifying. But God would be there.

If you know me well you know I hate being alone for more then a few hours at a time. Its like, torture for me. Lately, I've given up a lot of my hobbies. School has been out, and most of my friends have been busy. Needless to say, I've been pretty lonely. But its been great! I'm learning to depend fully on the Lord. To be content with talking to Him and reading about Him and just learning to live fully for Him. Its amazing, and thrilling.

I've also been reading a really good book. Jesus Freaks. Read It!!!! These people died for Christ. And they didn't die pleasantly either. I havn't had too many opportunities to have my eyes gorgued out for Christ lately. But, I can die to self everyday. and live for Christ. Be My Escape comes to mind. To truly and fully live we must give our life away.

Let's go out and live for Him!

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